How will you promote my music?

We use our own partner network (music promoters, online radio stations, playlists, and others) to promote your work on Spotify. We have relationships with hundreds of independent playlist curators all over the world. We also run native ad campaigns to get initial traction and boost engagement.

We don’t ever send bots or any type of fake engagement. Our services fully comply with Spotify’s terms of service.

Is it really 100% safe?

Absolutely! We only use natural methods to promote to real people. That’s why we give a range of expected plays for your campaign. This range is estimated. Your campaign has the possibility of doing better or worse. We strive to do the best we can, but it is indeed an organic promotion. We cannot force people to like your track, but we can do our absolute best to ensure it gets seen by the right people.

What genres do you cover?

We can do all genres! Each campaign is unique to us, and we design it for each client according to musical genre, audience, and distribution requirements in order to have their current fan base develop.

Is there a discount for agencies?

Yes! If you manage multiple artists, please contact us so we can arrange discounted rates for your promotions.

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